I'm the mother of a driving teen.... Help

So this post is totally last minute, because honestly I don't have anything to talk about this week!

However, I did have a horrific experience last night... Christian wants to drive me places now because she's in "Behind The Wheel"... (Jesus be a seatbelt)

For the record she sits straight up in the seat with her chest almost touching the steering wheel which alone makes me nervous as hell.

Very long story short I made her go the back way to our destination because it was after 4pm and traffic picks up, and I'm not ready for that kind of pressure.

Back roads didn't prove to be any easier! We got honked at and I'm pretty sure the city bus driver cussed us out!

By the time we made it to where we were going she hit the curb twice when I asked her to get over to other cars go by, and her reasoning for that was "they haven't taught us to do that yet" WHAT!!! All you had to do was move over a little, and slow down like I told you to!  OMG! My heart

I can't take this crap.... Think I'm going to hire someone.

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  1. Seriously laughed out loud. Way too relatable. I took my younger sister out driving for the first time and she somehow managed to mix up the brake and the gas while going around a curve. Took several months until I let her anywhere near my wheel again hahaha


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