I'm sooooo glad Homecoming is OVER!! Words can not express how much of pain in the butt the entire process can be when you have a daughter 😒... She found a dress a few weeks back BUT because we are swamped at all times she waited too late to get it ordered.  Anywho needless to say we ordered this dress Monday (thank the Lord for Amazon Prime).  As you can see she looked BEAUTIFUL!!!!! And of course I did a dress count down... She's a Sophomore so 2 more Homecoming and 2 Prom dresses and I'M FREE!!!! No more damn dresses until she gets married which by then I might be ready. 
 Now my son is a different story all together...  As you can see he is NOT for the dressing up.  Not even a little bit!  He is the cute one on the pink shirt and jeans! LOL  He will however be wearing a tux to Prom this year like it or not.
And because I'm his mother how could not put his Jr. year football picture up.  I soooo love this kid! 
So what's HoCo without a little drama you ask???  While waiting on my son and his friends to pick AJ's date up and head down to the riverfront to take pictures before they went out to dinner we received a very scary phone call from his BFF (in the pink dress above) saying that they had been in a car accident.  Like any parent would her mother and I LOST IT! And raced to their aid.  When we got there I was expecting blood and body parts the way that girl was screaming, but in reality they were just shaken up.
They were two cars deep... the car in front of the kids slammed on his/her breaks out of nowhere causing Taya to slam on hers in order not to cause an accident.  When she did that their friend behind them slammed on hers, but it was too late.  She rear-ended Taya's grandmothers car. Long story short lots of dramatic tears and a police report later the kids were off to the dance in one piece!
This week like all weeks are jammed pack full of good times!
As much as I would love to tell you about all the other things moving and shaking my way.... I can't because well....
I'm every woman... It's all in meee! And I have to cook a late dinner! LOL


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