How'd I get here?

So I bet you're wondering... How does she deal with all these kids and be all these different things to all these other people too?


...could be justified....d'ya think?....

Yes, I sure will drink in the mornings!  My friends and I call it breakfast... Don't you?! 

No but seriously I feel in love with a fool at a young age and had 3 of the most wonderfully crazy kids and the rest is history.  I'm no different than any of the other super moms out there I'm just doing a lot a the same damn time.  I had them young so I had to work first to support them so school had to take a backseat for awhile until I had time.  Lucky for me I always kept a good job, but raising these sweet souls was not an option... it was a priority.

Now they are bigger than me and I want to toss them out of the window of a moving vehicle more often then not. (Don't judge me)

The baby girl Christian and I

Kayla her subjects! The boy(Aj)


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